Understanding Headache Pain & Migraine Pain, Diagnosis and Treatment

Get headache & migraine pain relief with Good Life Chiropractic in Campbell CA 95008
In our practice, we see people in pain daily—some walk in with ice packs, walkers, back braces, wheelchairs, etc.
But as far as severity, no pain comes close to a full-blown migraine headache.
Such patients walk into our practice, usually very medicated, with dark sunglasses on (due to photophobia), a bucket or a bag for vomiting, and almost always accompanied by a friend or a spouse.
This is a snapshot of a migraine headache patient.
"...over 90% of our migraine patients feel immediate relief after their first visit..." - Dr. Sun
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The good news is that over 90% of our migraine patients feel immediate relief after their first visit.
It usually takes us less than 10 minutes to clear over 60-70% of the headache.
It may be hard to believe, yet let me make it more interesting.
Almost all of these patients become migraine-free after the corrective treatment.

Headache and migraines are no fun, but relief is available
Corrective Treatment for Migraine Headaches and Why it Works
t was 1988. I was 21 years old, studying neurophysiology at Palmer-West Chiropractic College.
Out of pure coincidence, I did some research on migraine headaches.
Just by way of simple anatomy, I realized there was a clear connection between the C1 and C2 cervical nerves and a specific nerve bundle in the brain linked to migraine headaches.
My interest peaked, and I continued to enrich my spinal adjustment techniques using different methods that improved upper cervical correction.
The breakthrough happened when I met a well-known Sacro-Occipital Technique teacher named Dr. Roy Skidmore (who passed away in September 2001).
It was through merging the Palmer Diversified Technique and the Sacro-Occipital Technique that our clinic has been able to produce amazing results with different types of headaches including migraine.
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Headache Examinations Consists Of...
- Complete history evaluation of the patient
- History of previous spinal traumas
- Hereditary issues
- Evaluation of the patient’s work and home ergonomics
- Full spinal evaluation of the patient
- A dietary analysis of the patient
- Computer scan of the spinal nerves
- Thermography analysis of the spinal muscles
- Complete X-ray evaluation of the patient’s cervical spine
After the evaluation, the patient is set for the "report of finding" visit, which takes about 45 minutes and introduces you to the adjustment plan and lifestyle changes recommended for maximum improvement.
Treatment Timing
Time-wise, an average migraine adjustment visit is at least twice as long as other appointments at our office.
These treatments are usually formulated and explicitly tailored to the needs of the patients according to their spinal problems.
Results vary, but most migraine patients feel significant improvements in about 4-6 weeks and begin to see a decrease in the frequency and intensity of the headaches.
Nothing is more rewarding than seeing a patient free from the fangs of migraine headaches. The experience is usually emotionally overwhelming and causes other members of the family and friends to become chiropractic patients as well.
What To Do...
If you are suffering from migraine pain or headache pain, call our office for an evaluation of your condition.
I look forward to helping you get relief from your headache pain or migraine pain.
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Headache & Migraine Pain FAQs
Q - Can a chiropractor help with headache or migraine pain?
A - Yes, chiropractors can often help with headache pain and migraine pain. They use spinal manipulations and adjustments to relieve tension and improve spinal function, which can often help manage or even alleviate chronic headache or migraine pain.
Q - How does chiropractic treatment work to relieve headaches and migraines?
A - Chiropractic care works by addressing the root causes of headaches and migraines, often related to misalignment in the spine, muscle tension, or nerve irritation. By realigning the spine and relieving tension, a chiropractor can help to reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of headaches and migraines.
Q - How long will it take to see improvement in my headache or migraine pain after starting chiropractic treatment?
A - The timeline for improvement can vary greatly based on the individual's condition, the severity of their headaches or migraines, and how often they are receiving treatment. Some patients may notice improvement within a few weeks, while others may require several months of regular treatment.
Q - Are there any side effects or risks associated with chiropractic treatment for headaches and migraines?
A - While chiropractic treatment is generally considered safe, some potential side effects include discomfort in the treated areas, fatigue, and headaches. Serious complications are rare, but it's important to discuss any pre-existing conditions or concerns with your chiropractor before beginning treatment.
Q - Is chiropractic care a long-term solution for headaches and migraines or just a temporary relief?
A - Chiropractic care can provide immediate relief and long-term solutions for headaches and migraines. While it can alleviate symptoms in the short-term, regular treatments may also help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches or migraines over the long run by correcting underlying structural issues and promoting overall health.
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